Calendar of Events
March 2009Tomodachi Kenkyukai, Foster City, March 21
Goju-ryu practitioners from different schools meet to share info and train together. Organized by JP Williams of JKF Gojukai and Seiwakai, these meetings provide a great opportunity to see how the other guys do it. Seigokan is honored to host the next meeting. Seigokan members contact David Kalman for details 650-270-6712 or email
July 2009
YMCA Karate Camp, El Camino YMCA, Mountain View, July 20-24 and July 27-31
Senseis Shaun Greely and Catherine Greely offer two one-week sessions at the El Camino YMCA in Mountain View. Camp runs 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. with karate in the morning and other activities in the afternoon. Open to children entering grades 1 through 6 in Fall '09. Details in the YMCA Camp Guide (external pdf).
Seminar with R. Takeshi Fukuchi Shihan, Foster City, July 25
Seigokan members and friends are welcome to join us for an afternoon seminar with Takeshi Shihan, 7th dan, Seigokan Goju-ryu, Director for Brazil and all of South America. We'll charge a small fee to help with the travel expense. More details to follow.
October 2009
Seigokan USA tournament. Details TBD.
December 2009
Year-end kyu grading. Details TBD.