In this illustration of the transition from Musubi-Dachi to Zenkutsu-Dachi, the right foot forward pivots on the big toe before stepping forward. In Goju-Ryu, the Zenkutsu-Dachi stance is relatively narrow, and the body leans forward slightly.
The Yoko-Zenkutsu-Dachi is a side-stepping position seen in both Kihon Tsuki-No and Uke-No Katas.
The transition from Sanchin-Dachi to Heiko-Dachi pivots the right foot from angled to parallel before stepping backward.
Re-No-Ji Dachi and Neko-Ashi-Dachi differ only the forward foot position. Neko-Ashi Dachi has the heel of the front foot off the ground and the weight distributed 80 percent on the back foot and 20 percent on front foot. Re-No-Ji Dachi has both feet flat on the floor and weight balanced more evenly.
The transition from Musubi-Dachi to Heiko Dachi.
Basic target areas jo-dan, chu-dan, and ge-dan, along with basic fist position at "base." Tops of fists are aligned at nipple-height.
Hand position for mawashi uke have the thumb knuckle aligned with the nipple. Target points for mawashi are below the breast and the crease of the groin and hip.
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