About Seigokan San Francisco Bay Area

Founded in 1945 by Seigo Tada, the Seigokan Goju-ryu Karate-do Association has dojos around the world. Under Sensei Marcos Collaco, Seigokan USA has offered Goju-ryu in the Bay Area for more than 40 years.

Dojo Locations and Contacts

Seigokan Goju-ryu Karate-do is offered in several locations around the San Francisco Bay Area under the direction of Sensei Marcos Collaco

Martinez/Antioch/Pittsburg Area, Call Sensei Marcos Collaco: (925)-354-2719

Mountain View Area, Call Sensei Catherine Greely: (650) 670-0773

San Francisco, Call Sensei Angela Swanson: (415) 385-4466

Seigokan San Jose, Semi-Private Classes By Appt., Call Claudia Chan: (408) 802-0037

For all general inquiries, email david@seigokan.com

Yoki's Karate Errantry in America Now in Paperback

Here's a book for all Seigokan members and friends. It's the first paperback (and newly revised) edition of "Yoki's Karate Errantry in America," which was originally published in 2001. This is the story of Yukiaki Yoki Sensei's travel to the USA in 1964, when he trained at the Mattson Academy of Karate in Boston and participated in the All American Karate-Do Championship.
We know Yoki Sensei as Seigokan Overseas Head Director from 2001 to 2008. According to his biography, he was born in 1943 at Osaka, Japan. He graduated from Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, and was karate Champion in Western Japan Tournament in 1963. He later introduced Seigokan Karate-do to Hong Kong.
This is a fascinating story as it describes the cultural differences between Yoki Sensei and his hosts in Boston, and provides an outside perspective on the early development of karate-do in the USA. I was especially interested (being from Boston) because I had the opportunity to compete with Mattson Academy students in the 1970s. Several names mentioned in the book were familiar to me. I definitely recommend getting your copy soon.
You can purchase your copy from Amazon.com here

About Seigokan USA/SF Bay

Founded in 1945 by Seigo Tada, the Seigokan Goju-ryu Karate-do Association has dojos around the world. Under Sensei Marcos Collaco, Seigokan USA has offered Goju-ryu in the Bay Area for more than 35 years. More Seigokan history...